Brazil is the largest country in South America, and the 5th largest country in the world. The country is home to remarkable biodiversity: the national bird list counts 1971 species, of which 293 species are endemic to Brazil. The country can be divided into 6 major ecosystems, with each region hosting its own set of endemic fauna and spectacular species alike, along with some of the world’s great natural landscapes and wildlife spectacles. At Agami Nature Tours we are proud to offer tailor-made birding and natural history tours to just about anywhere in this great country. 

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The Amazon
The Amazon rainforest captivates the imagination of any traveler to South America. Join us on a journey to the lungs of the Earth, and a natural history extravaganza without parallel.
The Pantanal
The world's largest freshwater marsh ecosystem is rightly famous for its world class wildlife watching opportunities. Easy birding from great nature lodges, highlighted by Jaguars and Hyacinth Macaws.
Atlantic Rainforest
Astonishing biodiversity in one of the world's most endangered rainforests. Rewarding birding in great reserves with many new lodges as birding and conservation unite to protect the Mata Atlantica.
Cerrado Savannas
The world's most diverse tropical savanna environment is home to many endemic species such as the Brazilian Merganser, Horned Sungem, and the White-winged Nightjar.
The North-East
Spectacular scenery, an amazing diversity of habitats, and some of the most threatened bird species in the world. Lear's Macaw, Araripe Manakin, Banded Cotinga and more...
The South
Home to some of the country's most under-appreciated birding destinations, from the ethereal upland Araucaria forests to the fabulous Lagoa do Peixe National Park of the coast.